BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

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1. Castrignanò T, Chillemi G, Desideri A
Structure and Hydration of Bam HI DNA recognition site: a molecular dynamics investigation
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2000 - Year: 2000
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Topic: Proteins analysis and structure prediction

Abstract: The results of a 3 ns molecular dynamics simulation of the dodecamer duplex d(TATGGATCCATA)2 recognised by the Bam HI endonuclease are here presented. The DNA has been simulated as a flexible molecule using AMBER force field and the Ewald summation method which eliminates the undesired effects of truncation and permits to evaluate the full effects of electrostatic forces. The starting B conformation evolves toward a configuration quite close to that observed through X-ray diffraction in its complex with Bam HI. This configuration is fairly stable and the Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds are well maintained over the simulation trajectory. Hydration analysis indicates a preferential hydration for the phosphate than for the ester oxygens. Hydration shells in both the major and minor groove were observed. In both grooves the C-G pairs were found to be more hydrated than A-T pairs. The "spine of hydration" in the minor groove was clear. Water residence time are longer in the minor groove than in the major groove, although relatively short in both cases. No special long values are observed for sites where water molecules were observed by X-ray diffraction indicating that water molecules having an high probability to be located in a specific site are also fast exchanging.

2. Chillemi G, Bruselles A, Desideri A
Comparative MD simulations of wild type and T718A mutant in the DNA-human topoisomerase I complex
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003
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Topic: Structural genomics

Abstract: Missing

3. Falconi M, Chillemi G, Di Marino D, D'Annessa I, Ceruso MA, Morozzo della Rocca B, Desideri A
Molecular dynamics simulation of mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in absence and in presence of its natural inhibitor carboxyatractyloside
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
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Topic: Unspecified

Abstract: The transport of various metabolites across the mitochondrial membranes is essential for eukaryotic metabolism. Specific transport through the inner mitochondrial membrane is achieved by nuclear encoded carriers which form a large transport family, the mitochondrial carrier family. The structure of the ADP/ATP carrier in complex with its inhibitor carboxyatractyloside (CATR) has been recently solved by X-ray crystallography providing for the first time an insight into one conformation of the protein. In order to shed light on the possible conformation sampled by the protein and on the effect of CATR on constraining a definite configuration we have carried out two 10 ns molecular dynamics simulation of the protein embedded in a lipid bilayer of palmitoyl-oleoyl-phosphatidyl-choline (POPC) with and without its co-crystallized inhibitor CATR.

4. Falconi M, Desideri A
Understanding experimental properties of Cu,Zn SODs through molecular dynamics simulation
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003
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Topic: Structural genomics

Abstract: Missing

5. Falconi M, Iovino M, Luise A, Desideri A
Metodi di simulazione applicati allo studio delle metallo-proteine
Meeting: BIOCOMP 1999 - Year: 1999
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Topic: Bioinformatics

Abstract: Il Gruppo di Biochimica Computazionale del Dipartimento di Biologia dell'Universita' di "Tor Vergata" si occupa della razionalizzazione dei meccanismi molecolari che esprimono la funzionalita' delle macromolecole biologiche utilizzando metodi di indagine quali la dinamica molecolare, la dinamica Browniana, la modellazione molecolare, il calcolo dei potenziali elettrostatici e l'analisi delle sequenze. Per la modellazione molecolare viene utilizzato del software commerciale quale SYBYL 6.2 della Tripos ed INSIGHT II release 97 della Molecular Simulation (MSI). Questa tecnica e' stata applicata alla ricostruzione tridimensionale di superossido dismutasi a Cu,Zn (SOD) di varie specie e recentemente alla proteina necessaria per l'incorporazione del rame nella SOD a Cu,Zn (copper chaperone for superoxide dismutase). L'analisi del modello ha rivelato la presenza di domini specializzati per precise funzioni di riconoscimento, riserva e trasferimento del rame. L'analisi dei campi elettrostatici viene effettuata tramite la risoluzione numerica dell'equazione di Poisson-Boltzmann utilizzando il programma commerciale DelPhi della MSI. Inoltre attraverso un programma di dinamica Browniana siamo in grado di predire la velocita' di associazione tra il sito attivo di una macromolecola ed un substrato carico. Tale programma, da noi sviluppato, permette di calcolare la probabilita' d'urto tra sito attivo e substrato al variare del campo di forze elettrostatiche prodotte dalla macromolecola ed ha permesso la progettazione e la produzione di una serie di mutanti di Cu,Zn SOD ad aumentata attivita' enzimatica . Simulazioni di dinamica molecolare sono state utilizzate per confrontare ed interpretare dati sperimentali ottenuti su enzimi attraverso lo scattering dei neutroni o attraverso misure di attivita' catalitica ed affinita' verso inibitori o leganti di proteine native e mutanti fornendo un'interpretazione del comportamento funzionale osservato sperimentalmente. A tale scopo e' stato modificato un programma di dinamica molecolare public available DL-POLY in cui sono state implementate e perfezionate alcune metodologie di calcolo che hanno portato alla realizzazione di DL-PROTEIN un programma in grado di simulare in modo molto efficiente macromolecole proteiche con la possibilita' di utilizzare vari campi di forze. E' stato inoltre realizzato del software per l'analisi dei dati dinamici. Il gruppo di avvale di un centro di calcolo composto da due stazioni Silicon Graphics O2 r5000 con 128Mb RAM e 2Gb HD per la grafica, di un'Alpha Station digital 3000/300X con 112Mb RAM e 10Gb HD e di un server Silicon Graphics Origin 200 a 4 processori r10000 con 512Mb RAM e 33 Gb HD per il calcolo intensivo.

6. Gallimbeni R, Di Marino D, D'Annessa I, Morozzo della Rocca B, Desideri A, Falconi M
Membranome: an active web site
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
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Topic: Unspecified

Abstract: Membrane proteins play key role in cell biology e.g. as ion channels, drug receptors, and solute transporters. It has been estimated that ~25% of genes code for membrane proteins, and that ca. 50% of potential new drug targets are membrane proteins. Despite the central importance of membrane proteins, the number of high resolution structures (from X-ray diffraction and more recently from NMR) remains small but the literature about experimental data available is huge. Literature gives a large amount of disjointed information about this essential group of proteins that needs to be organized to give a direct access to the researcher. In order to ease the browse of experimental data we are preparing the “membranome” site. Membranome site will select, store and efficiently organize literature data about: - classification; - genomic and protein sequences; - expression, purification, crystallization and structure determination; - structure and function; - transmembrane regions predictions (if the structure is not available); - interactions between membrane proteins and the rest of cell components: ions, lipids, sugars, ligands, substrates, solvent, a variety of molecules and other proteins; - mutants, mutation technique, altered functionality and pathological consequences of mutations; - publication references.

7. Gallimbeni R, Falconi M, Desideri A
HServ and SNPly: a software infrastructure and a web agent for linking information on genetic variation
Meeting: BITS 2006 - Year: 2006
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Topic: Recognition of genes and regulatory elements

Abstract: Missing

8. Paoletti D, D'Antonio M, D'Onorio De Meo P, Chillemi G, Desideri A, Castrignanò T, Pesole G
An optimized web server for metagenomics data analysis.
Meeting: Proceedings of BITS 2010 Meeting - Year: 2010
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Topic: Genomics

Abstract: Missing

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